Unlock Market-Beating Trades Used by Politicians

Discover the trading strategies used by top politicians and learn how you can apply them to crush the market.

This Week’s Quiver Newsletter:
Each week, we are highlighting the top Quiver Congress Strategies trending right now:

What you can expect to read about today:

  • An overview of recent notable Congress trades, including 5 well timed trades by Rep. Dan Crenshaw

  • Dive into our latest trades on Quiver Strategies, highlighting our Congress Buys, Dan Meuser, and Lobbying Growth strategies.

  • Learn how new SEC rules prompt the ICE Exchange to expand into Treasury Clearing Services


Insights from our Congress Trading Dashboard

  • Representative Dan Crenshaw sold Boeing (BA) stock in 2022. The stock has fallen 19% since then, while the market has risen 22%. We have data on just 33 trades from Crenshaw, but they include some of the most well-timed moves we've seen:

    • Crenshaw purchased the Direction Daily Financial Bull 3X Shares ETF (FAS) at almost exactly the lowest point of the COVID market crash. He sold near the peak on 1/10/22 for a return of nearly 500%

    • Crenshaw also bought stock in SPX Technologies (SPXC) at the low point of the COVID crash. He sold in March of 2021 for nearly a 412% return.

    • Crenshaw bought Facebook (META) stock on October 25th, 2022. Since then, the stock has risen 265%.

    • Crenshaw sold Rivian (RIVN) stock on December 23rd, 2021. Since then, the stock has fallen 89%.

    • Crenshaw bought stock in Google (GOOGL) on October 25th, 2022. Since then, the stock has risen 69%.

  • Senator Richard Blumenthal has shorted an American restaurant chain Sweetgreen (SG). He opened a ~$50K short position betting against Sweetgreen on May 13th. He closed the position on May 21st.

  • Representative Mark E. Green has sold $1.9M of NGL Energy Partners (NGL) stock in 2024. We estimate that he has made $18M on this stock since 2023, after buying massive amounts. The stock has fallen nearly 8% since trade.

  • Representative Dean Phillips has put up to $1M into a hedge fund called “Arcadia Medal Investors”.

  • Representative Roger Williams has violated the STOCK act. He just disclosed trades from as far back as 2019, despite Congress being legally required to disclose trades within 45 days of when they are made. Trades include Alphabet (GOOGL), Eli Lilly (LLY), Meta (META), Disney (DIS)

To see more details about their trades, and how they’ve performed since, check out our:


Insights from our Quiver Strategies

We have developed backtested strategies that leverage Quiver’s datasets to create tradeable and actionable investments.

These strategies are updated daily through automation, buying and selling stocks based on the strategy. Some strategies also offer copytrading through our partnership with Quantbase.


With your Quiver Strategies subscription, you receive full access to all of the strategies based on Quiver's data, deployed on Quantbase's platform.

This strategy tracks the performance of stocks that have been purchased by members of U.S. Congress (or their family). This strategy is weighted based on the reported size of the purchases, with weekly rebalancing.

Top holdings: include Ameriprise Financial (AMP), Applied Materials (AMAT), and Devon Energy (DVN):

The Congress Buys Strategy has been one of our best performing with a CAGR of 41.22% and a Sharpe ratio of 1.27, capitalizing on the trading activity of influential policymakers, showcasing robust performance metrics.

With significant holdings in financial and energy sectors, it provides a diversified approach that mirrors legislative insights, potentially leading to substantial market gains.

Newly opened positions: Include Farmers & Merchants (FMAO) and DT Midstream (DTM).

This strategy mirrors the portfolio of Rep. Dan Meuser, rebalanced with new trades or annual reports.

His holdings include Nvidia (NVDA), Alphabet (GOOGL), Microsoft (MSFT), and Apple (AAPL).

The strategy focuses on high-growth tech stocks, evidenced by its impressive return and strong Sharpe Ratio.

By tracking Meuser's trades, investors can potentially capture similar market gains, especially in the technology sector.

The strategy's performance highlights the effectiveness of leveraging insider knowledge and rebalancing based on real-time data.

This strategy takes an equal-weighted position in 10 publicly-traded companies that disclosed the most Quarter over Quarter growth in U.S. federal lobbying expenditures, rebalanced monthly.

Top holdings: include Chipotle (CMG), Coca-Cola (COKE), and Texas Instruments (TXN):

Newly opened positions: include Murphy Oil (MUR) and Science Applications International (SAIC).

These companies signal substantial growth in lobbying spending and potential market outperformance.

Murphy Oil (MUR) is expected to significantly increase its Free Cash Flow (FCF) in the coming year, potentially bringing substantial returns for shareholders as part of the company's 2.0 Framework.

While Science Applications International (SAIC) is expected to continue its strong performance in the coming years, with increased revenue and adjusted free cash flow targets for FY25 and FY26.

Check out more tradeable strategies on Quiver:

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Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange, is positioning itself to become a central clearinghouse for US Treasuries and repurchase agreements (repos), services mandated by new regulations for the world's largest debt market. ICE is preparing its existing clearing house, ICE Clear Credit, to handle US Treasuries, according to Chris Edmonds, president of ICE’s fixed-income and data services. The company is seeking regulatory approval and is in discussions with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as it readies its application for review.

Approval would significantly alter the $27 trillion Treasury market, which currently has only one registered central clearinghouse. Other entities have also shown interest in becoming central clearers for US government debt. "We believe we can provide a compelling alternative for those seeking to have more than one option in the market," Edmonds said. To lead this initiative, ICE has hired Paul Hamill, formerly global head of fixed-income distribution at Citadel Securities and plans to make additional hires to build out the service.

Continued on our News Feed.