Quiver Premium Sneak Peak

Quiver has been bringing alternative data to retail investors since 2020. Our premium subscription gives you access to tools that make it even easier to find actionable insights from our data, helping you make smarter trading decisions.

Here’s a look at some of the features that our premium subscribers have access to.

Quiver Strategies

We built automated trading strategies around Quiver's alternative data that allow you to copy or manually trade the same positions as members of Congress, corporate insiders, hedge funds, and more. Many of these strategies have shown strong performance over their backtest period, and outperformed the market.

As an example: Senator Josh Gottenheimer is one of Congress’ most successful investors, and the strategy we built based on his portfolio is up 50% in the last year (outperforming the SPY, many hedge funds, and Congress’ trades as a whole). Gottenheimer sits on the Committee on Financial Services and has one of the most active trading strategies in Congress.

With Quiver Strategies, you can go see the entire strategy’s holdings including recently opened, liquidated, and rebalanced positions.

Congress Backtester

The Backtester allows you to test your own strategy using Quiver’s data, giving you the opportunity to experiment with what positions might have done well compared to market benchmarks. Like Quiver Strategies, this gives you insight into what has performed well historically - except with the backtester, you set your own parameters.

The chosen strategy is then compared to the S&P 500’s (SPY) performance over the set time period, so the difference between your strategy’s performance and the market is clear.

Here, we've back-tested 10 long congress buys against SPY, and it outperformed over 4 years, with a beta of 1.05. In this 4-year timeframe, the strategy rose 32.04%.


Quiver Alerts keep you updated on changes across every dataset and the most recent insights. With this data feed, you will be one of the first to know and react to anything new that happens in our data feeds

Quiver uses web scraping to collect all of the alternative data that we use to create dozens of strategies and datasets. This information is constantly being updated as it is pulled from the internet, and Quiver Alerts give you automated notice when something important has changed.

For example, on March 18th, new insider disclosures that were filed and updated in Quiver from KRNY, RZLT, and RCG were included in alerts in live time.

Alerts also include WallStreetBets mentions, r/Cryptocurrency updates, and you can even customize your alerts to specific tickers on your watchlist.

You can check alerts on Quiver’s website or have them automated to your inbox.

Stock Screener

Quiver’s stock screener gives you comprehensive access to metrics on stocks you own, are looking to alter a position on, or want to learn more about. The stock screener is an all-in-one metrics hub with dozens of filtering tools.

You can see a stock’s performance across dozens of datasets, including price changes, liabilities, social mentions, governmental involvement, insider trading, and more.

Looking at Amazon (AMZN), we can see they currently have 1.53M employees, their revenue is $574.79B, and they have upwards of $300B in liabilities.