Politician Trackers: Quiver’s Newest Feature

Welcome to Quiver’s Newest Feature.

We’re excited to introduce you to a new tool on Quiver: Politician Trackers. Now, each active and former Congress member we track has their own individualized dashboard showcasing their government history, trades, corporate donations, and legislation they’ve proposed. Using Senator Thomas R. Carper as an example, each profile has a sidebar that details their:

  • Estimated net worth 

  • Trade volume

  • Total number of trades

  • Date of last trade

  • Congressional status 

  • Years active in Congress

  • Age 

  • Current Committees


In the first tab of a Politician Tracker, users can see a politician’s trade volume by year categorized into both buys and sells. A sector breakdown for overall trades is also available. Further, users have access to the list of tickers, dates, and individual trade volumes mirroring the familiar layout found in our Congress Trading Dashboard


With this tab, users can explore a politician’s financial holdings as of their most recent report. This comprehensive breakdown includes insights into investment vehicles like stocks, bonds, funds, owned real estate, and more that are held by the politician. Users also have access to an itemized list of these holdings, featuring details like filing year, estimated worth, and breakdowns of owned property.

Corporate Donors

This tab gives users access to reported fundraising, spending, and cash-on-hand for each year of the given politician’s election and reelection campaigns. Users also have access to a breakdown of each quarter’s donations with the donor corporation’s tickers, the committee within the corporation that donated, and the dollar amount.


The final tab breaks down legislation that has been proposed by the given politician chronologically. Each list item links to congress.gov’s official filing of the correlating legislation and gives details about its subject matter and current stage.

You can find a specific Politician Tracker by directing to the home search bar and filtering by “Congress”.